Houston Magazine Modern Mom's Feature

Our very own CEO was featured as a Modern Mom in @houston_magazine’s March 2021 issue. Read her feature below:

“For Afton Baily Griffin, setting an example as a strong resilient mother is one of the greatest gifts a working woman can bestow upon her children. “It doesn’t make you less of a mom to have a thriving career and in my case, a successful company,” she said. “It makes you more.” As the founder and CEO of A Brand Strategy Consulting, Afton helps objective-driven small businesses actualize their dreams by providing a variety of consulting services, from social media management, web presence, and graphic design to marketing, public relations, and strategic planning. While she initially feared that motherhood might negatively affect her business, she found that ironically, it was quite the opposite. Her time was not more limited; it simply became more concentrated, motivating her to work more efficiently to be equally present for her daughter, Winifred “Winnie” Louise, and son, Yates Robert Danger. In addition to her role as a marketing consultant, Afton is also on the cusp of launching her own handcrafted jewelry line called TOTEM by Afton. “The substance that I get from working fulfills a part of me that otherwise would become untapped,” she said. “Being able to exercise my mind has made me a stronger, more well-rounded person.”  

Are you a working mom or dad that wants to work with someone who gets the joy of working full time and parenting full time? Contact Afton today at afton@abrandstrategy.com.