The One Billion Dollar Race
When we talk about IPOs for tech companies it’s easy to let your eyes glaze over and completely take for granted all the extra zeros the ’B’ in billion represent. This infographic does an excellent job reminding us all that the age of the internet is accelerating the growth in companies at the speed of light. Brands that we have all known and love for years took a turtle’s pace to get to their first billion by comparison.
To think that it took Nike 24 years to make their first billion compared to Instagram to make their first billion in only 2 years!
These numbers and facts are fun (and astounding!), but let’s get to the point, shall we?
These companies are worth money because of the tremendous value they offer their users. Not just monetary value (very important for us web marketers!), but personal-life-enriching value. Who doesn’t love re-connecting with old friends online? Plus the feel-goodness of seeing their kids grow up from hundreds, if not thousands miles of away.
Just look at the ALS ice bucket challenge if you don’t believe me. That made them big bucks ($23M+ in the first three weeks, to be exact) AND made people feel warm and fuzzy. Still don’t believe me? Fine. Read this NYMag article on why it went so viral here. Then lets talk.
Do your company a favor and tune up that web presence. The internet did not make a bunch of nerdy twenty somethings billionaires over night for nothing. It works. Period.